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Mission Explained Part 2: The Logo

WELS Lutherans for Life logo

This is the second article in a 3-part series as we explore what’s in our mission. In the first part, we explored what is in the mission statement. In this part, we discover the imagery found in our logo that ties to the mission statement, and in the third part, we’ll describe the services and programs that fulfill the mission. 

Part 2 - “Logo Imagery Explained”

WELS Lutherans for Life’s mission is “To Protect a Child's Right to Live and Be Loved by Loving Moms and Dads." In the Lutheran tradition, we answer the question, “What does this mean?” but more appropriately, “What does this look like?” as we explore the imagery expressed in the WELS Lutherans for Life “Heart-Hug” logo that ties directly, visually to the mission statement.  

The WELS Lutherans for Life “Heart-Hug” logo:

  • A hug - representing compassion and care.
  • A heart - because we care for the least of these (Matthew 25:40).
  • A head - because we use knowledge and information to share the truth in love with those we serve.
  • A cross - which is our motivation to carry out the mission.
  • A mom - with a baby in her womb.
  • A baby - in the secret place where God knit her together.
  • Protection, love, and compassion - demonstrated in the embrace.
  • Our Tagline, “Treasuring human life one heart at a time - in image form.

Do you have a heart for the preborn and their moms? Can you see yourself as one or more of these components? If you answer "yes," please consider supporting us with a gift and/or getting involved to make a life-changing, life-saving difference today.


Watch for the third part of this series to learn about the services and programs that fulfill the mission thanks to our financial partners. If you missed the first part click this link to read, “Mission Explained.”

National organizations with which we are affiliated:
  • Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

  • Care Net logo

  • Heartbeat International

  • National Institute of Family and Life Advocates

EIN 39-1436085

Monday - Thursday: 9 am to 4:30 pm
Friday: by appointment

8501 W Lincoln Ave
West Allis, Wisconsin 53227
Phone 414-727-8176